Mission Creek Road Bridge over Little Mission Creek Replacement

MapUpdate August 5th, 2019: The new bridge was opened to traffic on July 31st, 2019.

Livingston Enterprise July 25th, 2019

May 13th, 2019: Project has been awarded to Highland Construction Services LLC.  


Design, Permitting, Approvals: Summer 2018

Advertisement for Bid: Winter 2019

Construction: summer 2019 time frame and closures to be dependent on conditions and local user need, i.e. hauling livestock, hay, etc...

Closeout: Summer/Fall 2019


The Mission Creek bridge is located nine miles east/southeast of Livingston, Montana very near the intersection of Mission Creek and Swingley Roads. This bridge has required a significant amount of routine maintenance in an effort to keep the bridge and adjacent roadways passable following high flow events.  This bridge was overtopped and experienced significant scour and subsidence of the abutments during a period of elevated flows in the spring of 2011.  Temporary repairs were performed in 2011 and again in 2016.

In April 2010, in an effort to effectively manage the overall Park County road and bridge infrastructure, Park County developed and adopted its first Capital Improvement Plan for Bridges. At this time, the Mission Creek bridge was not included in the overall bridge rankings because its span length was less than twenty (20) feet.  The bridge was identified as a priority following the aforementioned period of elevated flows and associated scour/subsidence in the spring of 2011.  The County included this structure in the 2016-2020 Park County Capital Improvement Plan,  within which it is ranked third highest in need based overall sufficiency rating, for bridges not currently scheduled or funded for replacement. 


Estimated project total cost is $215,914. Due to the limited seasonal usage of the higher ranked bridges, Mission Creek bridge was selected as the highest priority for replacement need that aligned with TSEP requirements for funding assistance. In April 2016 Park County applied for funding assistance through the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP).  In May 2017 Park County recieved Notice of Award for grant funding in the amount of $107,957 (50% match requirement).  Park County recieved and excecuted the TSEP agreement in March 2018 and susequently entered into an Engineering Services contract in April 2018. 

2016 TSEP Mission Creek Bridge over Little Mission Creek Applicaiton

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