About Us

What do we do?

The Geographic Information Systems Department is responsible for rural addressing and spatial data management for the county. More specifically we provide spatial solutions for the County and City of Livingston, along with coordinating with state and federal agencies.  Some examples of spatial solutions include static maps, web applications, analysis, and much more.

Existing Rural Addresses

If you have an existing rural address and your sign or stickers need replacement, please come by our office and we will replace it at no cost.


Public Services

Rural Address Assignment

Private Road Naming

County Maps

County Web Applications


Contact Us 

Address: Park County GIS

414 E. Callender St.

Livingston, MT 59047


Erica Hoffman

GIS / IT Manager

(406) - 222 - 4197


Adrianna Barton

GIS Analyst

(406) - 222 - 4100 ext. 4275


While we strive to be available for walk-in customers, we are occasionally out in the field or attending meetings. For your convenience, appointments are preferred for rural address assignments and maps.

Rural Addressing

Addressing is used to assist emergency personnel in locating residents that call 9-1-1.  Rural addressing only applies to areas outside of the City of Livingston.  For city addressing contact the City of Livingston planner.

Rural Address Application

To receive a rural address assignment, an owner/authorized agent must apply for a rural address.  The steps to apply are outlined below:
1. Open and Download the application (below)
2. Read the entire application
3. Fill out all applicable sections
4. Send complete application to GIS department via email, fax, or mail

    Park County ArcGIS Online

    Web Maps for Park County including: the Park County Atlas, Wildlife, Zoning and more

    Park County Maps and Data are subject to the following disclaimer - Park County GIS Disclaimer

    Other Maps and Data

    State Resources
    Montana Cadastral - Web Map for Property and Ownership Information
    Montana Cadastral - Statewide Web Map for Property and ownership information

    Montana State Library Geographic Information Clearinghouse

    Statewide data and maps including: Administrative Boundaries, Cadastral, Elevation, Hydrography, Imagery, Private Land, Public Land and more
    Montana State Library Geographic Information Clearinghouse

    Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks

    Statewide  data and maps including: hunting districts, fishing access points, georeferenced pdf maps, and more
    Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks

    Federal Resources

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