- Emergency management has been called by many names over the years, often reflecting different priorities or focuses. During the Cold War, emergency management was often conducted as part of Civil Defense programs focused on preparing for nuclear war. Civil Emergency Preparedness was used to try and broaden the appeal to the general public but still retained a military connotation. Business and industry often prefer to use Continuity Planning, Crisis and Risk Management to describe their efforts to prepare for interruptions of their daily operations. Montana's emergency management agency is referred to as Disaster and Emergency Services. While all of these names and descriptions of emergency management are correct, Park County uses Office of Emergency Management to describe a comprehensive program that includes these important mission areas: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery - often referred to as the emergency management cycle.

The Park County LEPC is where individuals, businesses, first responders and government all come together to work on our emergency preparedness plans. Everyone has reponsibilities before, during and after an emergency or disaster. The LEPC meets every other second Thursday in the Community Room downstairs at the City-County Complex 11 am - 12:30 pm to discuss concerns and ideas about Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery from the unique and important perspectives of everyone at the table. This collaborative preparedness effort is essential to building community resiliency.

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