Public Login Credentials for Septic Permits:
Entity ID: 4975
Username: 49public
Password: P@rkCounty2022!
It is the goal of this department is to:
1) Provide public health protection,
2) Offer educational & training opportunities,
3) Supply beneficial information, and
4) Enforce health protection standards as outlined by the State of Montana or Federal government guidelines.
Scott Konley, MS, SIT
P. 406-222-4145
Administrative Assistant
Trish Fievet
P. 406-222-4145
F. 406-222-4763
We are often out doing Inspections.
Please call for an appointment:
2017 Farmers' Market Guidelines
Food & Consumer Safety -
Temporary Event Food Service Application
Park County-Application for Cottage Food Operation Registration
Sweet Grass-Application for Cottage Food Operation Registration
ServSafe Online Exam Vouchers Purchases Steps
Procedures for Disinfecting Vomit and Diarrhea
MT DPHHS Animals in Food Service Establishments (Jan 2015)
FDA Form 1-B Employee Health & Personal Hygiene HandbookLivestock & Fowl
DEQ Circular 4 - Subsurface Wastewater Treatment Systems
Learn about the care and Maintenance of your Well & Septic Systems
Installer and Site Evaluators License Application
Pricing for Different Water Samples
General Environmental Health Complaint Form