MCA CODE (Title 25 Chapter 35)
Review the following Montana Department of Justice AG website
or google: Montana small claims court
General Information
No attorney is allowed , unless all parties have an attorney.
- An attorney is not necessary to pursue a small claims action or defend against one. HOWEVER, if you feel you need an attorney, you have a legal right to obtain one. See Defendant section below. If you do not understand these forms or the instructions, please contact an attorney.
- The maximum you can collect through a judgment in small claims court is $7,000.00. The value of the property you seek to recover in small claims court can not exceed $7,000.00:
- If you are seeking damages that have not been determined or agreed upon you cannot file in small claims court, must be filed in the civil division of the justice court.
- You cannot file real estate eviction cases. Action for Possession must be filed in the civil division of the justice court.
- A demand letter must be sent to the defendant demanding payment by a specific time. Proof of the certified mailing will need to be presented to the Judge at time of filing a small claim action.
- You must pay the court clerk a fee for filing this form. The filing fee is $30.00 (cash or check only).
- After you complete the forms, file them with the clerk of the small claims court. The “Small Claims Complaint” must be signed in the presence of the clerk of the small claims court or the judge.
- The clerk of the small claims court will give you a hearing when issuing the “Order of Court and Notice to Defendant”. The hearing is set within 40 calendar days of the issuance of the order.
- You must have a copy of the “Small Claims Complaint” and the “Order of Court and Notice to Defendant” served on each defendant.
- The defendant must be served in the county where they reside.
- The defendant must be served not less than five (5) business days before the hearing date set by the clerk of the small claims court. If service can not be made on the defendant within this time, you can ask the clerk of court to reset the hearing date.
- You cannot serve the defendant yourself. You can serve the defendant by having a levying officer or the sheriff give the forms to the defendant. You can serve the defendant by having a person over the age of 18 give the forms to the defendant. Proof of service must be signed by the person making the service and filed with the clerk of the small claims court. The original “Order of Court and Notice to Defendant” must be returned to the clerk of the small claims court before the hearing date.
- The clerk of the small claims court has a list of levying officers in our area. You will be required to pay all fees of the levying officer or the sheriff. The fees for service varies, you should contact the levying officer or the sheriff for the fees they charge.
- You must attend the hearing. Failure to attend the hearing will result in dismissal of your complaint. Be sure to bring along any witnesses, books, papers, or other evidence which will help prove to the court that you are entitled to a money judgment or possession to the property.
- Note: If you intend to introduce papers or documents you will need to bring 3 copies to the court at trial (1 for yourself, 1 for the court, 1 for the opposing party).
- If you (the plaintiff) has been served a counterclaim there is a $20.00 appearance fee (per plaintiff). The appearance fee must be paid to the clerk (with cash or check) when you check in for the hearing.
- You do not file an answer however, you can file a Counterclaim. There is a $30.00 Counterclaim filing fee and the Counterclaim Must be served on the Plaintiff by a Sheriff or Process Server at least 72 hours prior to hearing. The amount of Counterclaim cannot exceed $6,500.00
- You may file a Notice of Removal in a small claims action and have the entire case transferred to the regular civil Justice Court. If the Defendant DOES NOT FILE A NOTICE OF REMOVAL WITHIN TEN (10) BUSINESS DAYS AFTER RECEIVING SERVICE OF THE NOTICE TO DEFENDANT, THE DEFENDANT WAIVES THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL AND THE REPRESENTATNION BY AN ATTORYNEY.
- Each Defendant must pay a $20.00 appearance fee due the day of the hearing. The appearance fee must be paid to the clerk (with cash or check) when you check in for the hearing.
- You must attend the trial (hearing). Failure to attend the trial (hearing) will result in judgment for the plaintiff. Be sure to bring along any witnesses, books, papers, or other evidence which will help prove to the court that you are entitled to a money judgment or possession to the property.
Note: If you intend to introduce papers or documents you will need to bring 3 copies to the court at trial (1 for yourself, 1 for the court, 1 for the opposing party).
If the parties reach an agreement or solution prior to the hearing, both parties are required to notify the court and provide a signed copy of the written settlement.
Trial (hearing)
Failure to attend the trial (hearing) will result in (plaintiff) dismissal of your complaint or (defendant) judgment for the plaintiff. Be sure to bring along any witnesses, books, papers, or other evidence which will help prove to the court that you are entitled to a money judgment or possession to the property.
Both parties will need to follow the Montana Rules of Evidence (MCA Code: Title 26 Chapter 10)
Note: If you intend to introduce papers or documents you will need to bring 3 copies to the court at trial (1 for yourself, 1 for the court, 1 for the opposing party).
Appeal - matter of law only; either party may file a written appeal with the court within ten (10) business days after the judge's order is signed and complete the procedures necessary.
Civil Appeal Fee $20.00 (there are additional types of fees/bonds associated with Civil Appeals in District Court)
*CIVIL APPEAL/UNDERTAKING BOND - If posted as CASH (must be cash or cashier's check) = The amount of the Judgment (excluding costs) plus $300.00 and $30.00 District Court filing fee. Example: If the judgment was in the amount of $3000.00 plus costs of $200.00 for a TOTAL JUDGMENT OF $3200.00 - moving party would post $3530.00 CASH.
*CIVIL APPEAL/UNDERTAKING BOND - If posted as an UNDERTAKING (BOND) must be equal to TWICE the amount of the judgment including costs. Example: Judgment is $3000.00 plus costs of $200.00 for a TOTAL JUDGMENT OF $3200.00, moving party would post an UNDERTAKING (BOND) in the amount of $6200.00 plus District Court's filing fee of $30.00
*CIVIL APPEAL/UNDERTAKING BOND - If the prevailing party files the appeal, party would post $100.00 plus District Court's filing fee of $30.00
*See Rule 6 and Rule 8 Uniform Municipal Court Rules of Appeal to District Court. (These rules apply as we are a court of record). Also See 25-1-401MCA 25-33-205MCA and Local Rule 18.
Montana Code Annotated table of Contents
You must notify the Court as soon as the judgment is satisfied. You will be responsible if the judgment is satisfied and not cleared from the debtor’s record in Court.
There is more detailed information on the form Small Claims Instructions (see below).
Note: forms will download in word format
Key difference between civil complaint and small claims
Small Claims Court A Citizen's Guide
Small Claims Instructions
Small Claims Checklist
Small Claims Complaint
Small Claims Counterclaim
Notice of Removal
Bench Trial Handout
Fee Waiver Application
Notice of Appeal
How to Collect a Judgment
WRIT of Execution Package
Satisfaction of Judgment