

The Park County "Floodplain Program" is actually the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), implemented at the local level. Although the Flood Program starts as a federal program, FEMA has charged the local jurisdictions (cities and counties) with adopting regulations and administering the program at the local level. Participation in the NFIP program allows Park County residents to purchase subsidized flood insurance, borrow money from an FDI backed lender for purchasing property in the floodplain, and utilize a number of other benefits important to a community so dependent on its waterways. If you would like to learn more about the National Flood Insurance Program Click Here. If you are interested as to whether or not your property may be in the floodplain or if you plan on doing any work in the floodplain or along a waterway, please contact the Park County Planning Department staff.   

Please be aware that doing work in or near streams often requires additional permitting which needs to be obtained before applying for a floodplain permit. You can contact the Park County Conservation District by clicking HERE and the US army Corps of Engineers by clicking HERE. 

Floodplain Regulations and Applications

Floodplain Links and Information

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