The Park County Detention Centers top priority is the safety and security of everyone in the facility. For information on an inmate, please view our inmate roster, or contact us at (406)222-4178. We have people able to answer your questions 24/7 over the phone. On occasion, we are away from the desk, please leave a message. Our staff cannot pass messages to inmates.


Frequently asked questions:

What we do:

  • The Park County Detention Center is an adult holding facility for sentenced and pre-trial inmates. The Detention Center is operated under the authority of the Sheriff and as directed by Montana State law The Park County Detention Center routinely houses inmates for the Park County Sheriff’s Office, Livingston Police Department, Montana Highway Patrol, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, and the Montana Department of Corrections.  The Detention Center may, on occasion, house inmates for agencies other than those listed if space allows.

 Where we are:

  • We are located in the City/County Complex in Livingston, MT. Use the Law Enforcement entrance in the rear of the building.  Pick up the phone located on the right side of the hallway past the stairwell labeled “JAIL” on the handset.  

Inmate Communication: Mail

  • If you want to write to someone who is incarcerated, please note that any mail without a name or return address will not be accepted. NO PACKAGES ARE ALLOWED.
  • Letters to inmates must be sent by mail and should be addressed as follows:

(Inmates Full Name)

C/O Park County Detention Center

414 E. Callender

Livingston, MT 59047

  • You must put your first/last name and return address on the envelope. Inmates can only receive letters, cards, and photographs (No Polaroids, newspaper clippings, drawings, stickers, glitter, musical cards, blank paper, blank cards, envelopes, or items written in crayon, or marker, etc.).
  • Please remember, for safety and security, all items are searched before being taken into the Detention Center.
  • Letters may not be dropped off.


  • The Park County Detention Center provides fingerprinting to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2PM to 4PM. There will be no exceptions to these times.
  • Please make sure to bring a valid photo ID, no weapons (i.e., knives, firearms, pepper spray, etc.), and $20 exact change (We are unable to make change and cannot accept extra money) or a check made out to the Park County Sheriff’s Office.
  • We will only be accepting 7 people on Tuesday and Thursdays for fingerprints. When you come in for fingerprints pick up the phone labeled jail to be put on the list. You can also call 406-222-4178 to be placed on the list for that day or to check if we still have available appointments for that day. We will only accept phone calls for appointments on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for fingerprints that afternoon.
  • If you have been supplied with cards to be printed on. Please do not write any information on those cards, because we will be entering your information into the computer, and it will print the information on the cards.


  • Inmates can call out but cannot receive incoming calls.

Inmate Visitation:

  • Visitation is a privilege and may be revoked at any time.
  • Inmate visitation is:

Thursdays from 6 P.M. to 10 P.M.

Sundays from 1P.M. to 5 P.M.

There will be no exceptions to these times.

  • Visits are first come first served.  Reservations are not allowed, and check-in begins no earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start of visitation. 
  • Inmates are allowed 2 visits per day.
  • Visits are limited to 15 minutes each.
  • A photo ID is required by each visitor, and you must be at least 18 years old or accompanied by an adult.
  • Visits are done using video and direct contact is not allowed.
  • Inmates are not allowed visitors until they have had their initial appearance in front of a Judge.
  • Individuals on disciplinary status are not allowed visitors.

Visitation Rules:

It is the policy of the Park County Detention Center to conduct visitation for its residents in both a fair and expeditious manner while maintaining the safety and security of the facility and the public.  Therefore, the following rules must be adhered to by all visitors:

  1.  All visitors must be registered with the Detention Staff on duty and supply their names, address, date of birth and photo ID if requested.
  2. There shall be no more than 3 visitors occupying the visitation room at one time.
  3. Minor children will not be allowed to visit unless accompanied by their parent(s) or legal guardian.
  4. Visits will not be allowed with visitors who are deemed to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or who are behaving in a disruptive manner.
  5. Loud, abusive or profane language will result in the loss of visitation privileges.
  6. Visitors must be considered, by staff, to be dressed appropriately.
  7. No cellular phones, purses, packages or containers of any type are allowed in the visiting room.  Items such as these will be left in a vehicle or with someone outside this visitation room. If detention staff observe any of the above items, your visit will be terminated immediately.
  8. Detention Officers will observe visitations as necessary to maintain appropriate levels of security.


  • Bond is the amount the judge sets to guarantee an individual goes to court as required. If you would like to help your family/friend post bond, you can bring in cash (exact change), certified check, or work with a bond company. Bond companies are listed in the phone book, online, or business cards are located in the Law Enforcement hallway.
  • If the bond is more than $10,000 and you are posting it with cash, it must be posted with the courts during normal business hours.
  • If you are writing a personal check and the bond is more than $1,000, it must be posted with the courts during normal business hours.
  • If you are posting a bond outside of regular business hours, the jail will process bonds for Justice Court, District Court, and courts located outside of Park County. If the bond is for Livingston City Court, the bond must be posted through the Livingston City Dispatch.

 Helping incarcerated inmates:

  • If you would like to add funds to an inmates account, you have two options. You can use the kiosk located in the Law Enforcement hallway or by going online to, select our facility and look up the individual you wish to deposit funds for. If you are having problems with the site or transactions, please call 1-800-284-1990. 
  • When an individual leaves the Detention Center they will receive a debit card or check for the balance of their trust account.

Personal Items:

  • We are not able to accept any items for inmates other than medications, medical equipment, eyeglasses, or contact lenses.
  • Medication must be in a prescription bottle with a valid prescription attached.


  • If your friend/family is to be transported to another county or state, we are unable to discuss any information for safety and security reasons. Thank you for your understanding.



Information contained on the website may change without notice due to changes in the law, emergencies, and necessary changes to Park County Detention Center policies due to COVID or other circumstances.

This website is intended to assist the public in accessing public information more easily and is provided as a service to the public pursuant to Public Record laws. Park County reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time and for any reason.

This information should not be used in any manner to injure, harass, or commit a criminal act against any person or family member of a person named in the jail facility. Any such action could subject you to criminal prosecution. All persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If errors are noted in any inmate record, the Park County Detention Center will make every attempt to verify and correct the error.

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