Mill Creek Road Surface Preservation Project

Update June 22nd 2018:     Click for Project Newsletter.   The Mill Creek Road Surface Preservation Project is Complete.

Update June 15th 2018:      Click for Project Newsletter.   This week, Poteet crews finished installing delinea-tors along Mill Creek Road. The majority of the roadway work was completed last week. Next week, the pavement markings and striping will be installed by HighMark Traffic Services, Inc. Following the striping, the work on Mill Creek Road will be complete.

Update June 6th 2018:      Click for Project Newsletter.  This past week Riverside Contracting, Inc. completed chip sealing the asphalt section of the project. Additionally, earth work crews completed fine grading of the gravel section and placed a final coat of magnesium chloride. The majority of the work on Mill Creek Road is complete. Next week, Poteet Construction sign crews will finish installing the remaining delineators. Also, Riverside will demobilize most of their equipment. The pavement markings and striping will be in-stalled by HighMark Traffic Services, Inc. the following week to ensure adequate curing time for the chip seal.

Update June 1st 2018:      Click for Project Newsletter.  This past week, Riverside Contracting, Inc. finished placing the 3” aggregate surface course and mag-nesium chloride treatment. Additionally, Wharton Asphalt crews completed crack sealing, in prepara-tion for chip sealing. Next week, Riverside crews will chip seal the as-phalt section of the project. Additionally, Poteet Construction sign crews will finish installing the re-maining delineators and signs. By the end of next week, the majority of the work on Mill Creek Road will be complete. The pavement markings and striping will be installed by HighMark Traffic Ser-vices, Inc. two weeks after the chip sealing is com-pleted.

Update May 24th 2018:      Click for Project Newsletter.  The Mill Creek Surface Preservation Project work this week included gravel road s road conditioning along with gravel haul and placement.  The Yellowstone River bridge deck repair begain but was delayed due to wet weather on Wednesday May 23rd. Installation of permanent traffic control begain this week.  Work for the next week includes asphalt patching and crack seal, additional gravel hauling  and placement, and sign installation. Please be aware of heavy construction traffic throughout the project during working hours.Up to 30 minute delays could be experienced on the project.  There will be no work will during the Memorial Weekend Holiday.  No work will be performed between 6pm on Friday, My 25 and 6am Tuesday, May 29th.

Update May 18th 2018:      Click for Project Newsletter.  The Mill Creek Surface Preservation Project work this week included gravel road section sub-excavation, road conditioning and gravel haul.  Work on the ashpalt section this week inculed patching and crackseal.  The Yellowstone River bridge deck was tested and repair areas were identified.  Work next week includes  asphalt patching and crack seal, additional gravel hauling  and placement, and sign installation. Please be aware of heavy construction traffic throughout the project during working hours.Up to 30 minute delays could be experienced on the project.  There will be no work will during the Memorial Weekend Holiday.  No work will be performed between 6pm on Friday, My 25 and 6am Tuesday, May 29th.

Update May 11th 2018:      Click for Project Newsletter.  The Mill Creek Surface Preservation Project work began this week and included mobilization and select sub-excavation for repairs on the uppper gravel poriton of the road.  Construction work can be expected from 7:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please be aware of heavy construction traffict hroughout the project during working hours.Up to 30 minute delays could be experienced on the project.

Update May 3rd 2018:      The Mill Creek Surface Preservation Project Notice to Proceed was issued this week.  Work will begin on May 7th and will include mobilization, patching and crackseal with temporary delays, no closures are anticipated.

Update April 10th, 2018:      The Mill Creek Surface Preservation Project was awarded to Riverside Construction Inc. of Missolua, MT on April 9th, 2018.  Construction remains on schedule for Summer 2018.  More information will be distributed as construction schedules are approved. 

Construction activities have been re-scheduled from Summer 2017 to Summer of 2018 due to changes in FLAP funding allocations.   Solicitation occured in the fall of 2017 and project work is scheudled for 2018.   Preliminary Engineering is complete and the 95% design review was held mid-September 2016. Field Reviews were held in early May 2016 and 30% Plan Review was completed in July 2016. 

This project was prioritized in 2013 Park County capital improvements planning meetings as one of the top three roadways in need of improvements and enhancements. The proposed section of road is a mixture of asphalt and gravel and begins at the heavily utilized US Highway 89 South near reference point 39 and continues through the East River Road (MT Highway 540) for close to 12 miles. The project will improve access to the areas served by Mill Creek Road, a roadway that traverses through Custer Gallatin National Forest (CGNF) and the Mill Creek drainage – a tributary of the Yellowstone River. This includes users and employees of CGNF, as well as local residents and visitors. Primary activities include chip sealing and crack sealing on approximately six miles of the existing asphalt surface and applying aggregate course with some stabilization on approximately six miles of the existing gravel surface. Other issues addressed by the project will include minor surface, shoulder and bridge deck repairs, signage improvements, pavement marking and ancillary parking improvement. Park County is able to provide a 13.42% cash match for the project.  Right-of-way jurisdiction is held by Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Park County. The work activities will be contained within the existing roadway prism and the work has been classified as a categorical exclusion during the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.  


Mill Creek Creek Road Surface Project Approved

For more information regarding Mill Creek Surface Preservation Project, please contact: 

Park Frady, Public Works Director
414 E. Callender Street
Livingston, MT 59047


Email any project related questions or comments to: 

Mill Creek Road Surface Preservation Project News

06/18/2014 / Mill Creek Road Surface Preservation Project
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